Thursday, May 20, 2010

Avery's Milestones This Week

  • Avery learned how to wave (and on command!).
  • She enjoyed the swings at the local park. Short pushes but she giggled all the time.
  • Loves bubbles blown at her in the water during swim class. Always says "Dah" in her loudest voice so you will do it again.
  • Drove mama over the bend by waking up every half-hour (this ain't new...just making a re-appearance!).

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Where You Going?


(Forever going up and down the stairs! And with some of the craziest hair ever!)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ave's Cardiology Appointment

Ave's trip to the cardiologist went well (mild pulmonary stenosis and a murmur - none of which was news). She doesn't have to go back until next year.

The worst part was spending the two hours wrestling her down for the EKG and echocardiogram and making sure she didn't trash the joint since she insisted on investigating every square inch of the clinic!

She weighs 22 lbs. now and is in desperate need of a haircut!

Tomorrow she has physio so its back to the hospital we go!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Avery Blogs!

gf z5 z       zz   za   z1zecezcwwbbrsrrsqr nzzzzz                                 Z zz  z 4erf zz                                                                                             zz                z    azz       zzzx c                      

I let Avery practice typing on the laptop and here above is her first blog. I imagine she has a lot to say here. Maybe she's tired and that's why she kept heading for the "z's".

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Avery's First Swimming Lessons

This girly was tired and chilly after her lessons but she is always a delight!