Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Back to the Old Plan for Ave...

Had Ave up at the Child Development Centre for her speech/physio/OT appointment today. After talking with her speech therapist about her upcoming dental surgery and her lack of improvement in putting together sentences since her last appointment in March, she is going to reassess Ave to get her preschool funding for September. That means that Ave will be headed to school for a few hours each afternoon, five days a week, with a class that will include all the speech, physio and OT aid that she may require.

In addition, we need to work on stretching her hamstring on her right side to get it looser. If we fail to do that, and her tendon stays tight for an extended period of time, she would have to start getting her leg casted to modify the way she uses her legs. Hmm...curious to see if she lets us do it!

Lastly, I think I will try to find her a more supportive chair (like the one in the picture) for when she works on fine motor skills or reading. She tenses up so much without support and as such, she is not giving 100 percent attention to the task at hand.

Oh my! There's always so much to think about for that little girl!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Just got back from the hospital dentist...

On June 2nd, Avery will go in for day surgery at the Children's Hospital. She has to have four root canals, fillings where possible, and although they will do their best to avoid it, her four front upper teeth extracted. Without insurance, it is $2600. Since Brad just started at Telus this week here's hoping there's no delay on that paperwork. I am going to take June 2nd off, I get June 3rd off (since Cenovus has the first and third Fridays of the month off) and then we will have the weekend off to get her back on track. I am not looking forward to it but, for the sake of her dentists, I am glad she will be sedated.

P.S. A doctor and nurse will attend her surgery to keep tabs on her heart plus she will be pre-medicated with antibiotics.