Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Avery's First Day of Preschool

Ave started school today at Renfrew in Sundance. She is in a class with two, three and four years old with varying degrees of delays. She was the most cheerful kid there (IMO) but was dwindling after the mere hour we were there! Tomorrow begins the first full day of school where she will take a bus and be gone for three hours a day! (I bet she falls asleep in her dinner tomorrow night!)

I arrive...I look stellar!
Time to go through all these books...don't worry - none of those books will be left standing after I'm here.
Daddy needs my help with the flaps!
Now it's play-doh time! I just love the duck and butterfly stamps!
After 45 minutes, I'm exhausted. Time to power up with some AJ!
Really didn't want to commit to a picture with Mom and Dad...I had stuff to do (like cocoa-bonk Dad in the chin!).
I felt that the only way they would let me go was if I looked at the camera. I made my escape mere seconds later!
What? Me, tired? What gave it away? The sleepy eyes, the hair pulling, the comfy corner I found?